According to Taoist philosophy, human beings have 3 energy centers throughout the body, centers that transform, store and transmit energy. These centers are called Dantians and are located along the central vertical axis of the body, to facilitate the transfer of energy and are associated with the 3 treasures:

Jing, Qi, Shen.


XIA DANTIAN / LOWER DANTIAN: It is located in the lower abdomen, in the center of the triangle formed by the navel, the Mingmen (lower part of the back) and the perineum, this triangle points downwards, to be able to absorb the Yin Qi energy or energy of the earth.

It is the most important since it is the one with the greatest capacity to transform energy, it coincides with the center of gravity, it is the source of energy that builds the physical body and allows us to transform, develop and use Qi and Shen. It is where our essence, our reserve of heat and vital energy is stored and it is associated with the kidneys that control the water element.

It is the center of physical strength and endurance, it is related to sexual energy.

It is a dense, complete and thick energy, it corresponds to the Yin and energy of the earth.

ZHONG DANTIAN / MIDDLE DANTIAN: It is located at the thorax level, it is associated with the heart that controls the fire element.

The Middle Dantian collects the Qi that is transformed into a more subtle, more fluid energy, like water, similar to steam, which is then transferred to the Upper Dantian.

The Middle Dantian transforms Qi into Shen by bringing the transformed Qi into the Fire of the Heart. This is an alchemical process called “change from Qi to Shen” and refers to the energy that is transformed into spiritual consciousness.

It is energy created from food and air and is related to our emotions and thoughts.

It is the place where the Yin and Yang energies meet and balance.

SHANG DANTIAN / SUPERIOR DANTIAN: It is located in the skull, a little above the third eye, the brow, in the center of the triangle whose vertex points towards the sky, in order to absorb the Yang Qi energy or energy from the sky.

It represents the spiritual aspect of man, our consciousness and connection with the divine.

It is related to the emotional mind and is the abode or house of the spirit.

Here the energy is more electric, like a light, heavenly energy of fine, ethereal quality, of vapor.

When Qi reaches the Upper Dantian, it increases spiritual intuition and psychic perception.

It is Yang energy, the brain, the mind, the feelings and thoughts, and the subconscious.

When enough heat is generated in the Lower Dantian as a result of the mixture of the fire of the heart and the Water of the Kidney, the Jing or vital essence is transformed into Qi energy, from water to steam, in the Middle Dantian it unites with the associated Shen to vibratory energy and rises to the Superior Dantian where it is transformed into light or spiritual energy.

Our goal in Qigong is to develop this alchemical process, develop and enhance our energy within the body and increase the circulation of fluids.

The health of the individual depends on the amount of energy present in the 3 Dantians.


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