8 Trigrams I & II

8 Trigrams Qigong – Level 1

This series of exercises massages the organs, cleansing and detoxifying them. In level 1 you will learn the first 4 movements of the sequence (Throwing away the trash, The wave, Dragon whips its tail and Serving the tea cups) which will help you to improve digestion, increase sexual energy, create a supple spine and gain range of motion of the joints.

8 Trigrams Qigong – Level 2

In level 2 you will learn the rest of the 8 Tigrams sequence (Rabbit springs, Separating heaven from earth, Spiral palm and Dragon ball) which will help you to purify the lungs, squeeze out the kidneys, cleanse the thyroid, improve lymphatic system and smooth out the Qi in all the organs revitalizing them.

Next dates
May 8th
June 12th
July 17th
August 21st
September 25th
Next dates
May 15th
June 19th
July 24th
August 28th
October 2nd

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Our 5 workshops rotate every saturday… Check our callendar to book your choice or contact us to book a private session or personalized workshop

September 2024
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