The three treasures of Qigong are JING (essence), QI (energy) and SHEN (spirit). 

The Three Treasures or the Three Jewels are theoretical cornerstones in traditional Chinese medicine and in practices such as Neidan, Qigong, and Tai chi. They are the physiological functions of the organism and the essential energies that sustain human life, they contribute to our overall health and wellbeing.

They are different states of Qi, different states of Qi condensation. Qi can be ethereal like air or dense and material like a grain of rice.

The Jing is the densest energy, it is what we can see and feel, the Qi is the energy that moves us, the one that gives us strength and the Shen is the most ethereal and subtle energy.

They can also be seen as three different frequencies, the qigong practitioner learns to transform Jing into Qi, and Qi into Shen, this is called “path of transmutation” and also to transform Shen into Qi, and Qi into Jing, called “path of generation or manifestation”. In Qigong we learn how to raise our energy frequency.


It means essence, is the primal energy of life, is our genetic constitution, vitality, reproduction, growth and longevity. Our organic matter, water and body fluids, from the blood to the fluids that circulate in the cells, the different tissues (muscles, tendons, skin, organs, nervous system, bones, etc.), our physical body, the essence we are born with when our parents conceive us.

The home of Jing is the Lower Dantian, it is stored in the kidneys, it can be depleted by stress, overwork, bad nutrition and excessive emotions and it can be replenished through good food, exercises, qigong and healthy lifestyle.


Qi is everything and everything is Qi, all manifestations of nature are expressions of energy.

Is the vital energy of life force that flows throughout the body, organs and meridians. We obtain Qi from the air we breathe, from the food we eat and the water we drink, it is the blood that nourishes and moistens the body structures, without Qi we would not move and we would die. 

The energy produced via the transformation of the physical base. If Jing is your computer’s hardware and software, then Qi is the electricity that allows the system to turn on, to actually function as a computer. 

The home of Qi is the Middle Dantian.


It is translated as a spirit or mind. It is the consciousness, thinking, emotions and our presence, is the energy of heaven, expansion, is the yang energy. Our spiritual and emotional health.

The home of Shen is the upper dantian, where resides the love, kindness and compassion. 

The Spirit depends on the good state of Energy and Essence, if the body is tired, hurt or sick, the spirit cannot raise.

It is only through the temple of a strong and balanced body that a radiant Spirit can shine.

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